Add Same Day Booking
Sean Sullivan
I would like the option for same-day booking.
Instead of WooBooking suggesting times for the next day, have an option to prioritize times available for the same day.
We are excited to share with WooBooking 2.0 the AI can now book same day if the contact replies with wanting to book today.
Jeff Hall
Need this as a default option. Prospects should not have to respond that they want to talk today. If there is availability on the sales person's schedule, for the same day, it should offer those slots up to 1-2 hours in advance. When a lead opts in, it's hot so the sooner we talk with them, the better. I'm honestly shocked this isn't the default right now in the system.
Jeff Hall: Hi Jeff, a workaround if you want the AI to book the same-day you can create a separate campaign where you add the keyword "today" in the message so the AI can go ahead and offer & book the contact with the user has times today.
Jeff Hall
Daniel So in the initial text to the prospect, it just has to say "today"? could you provide an example please?
Jeff Hall: sure below you can see an example, let me know if that helps.
Jeff Hall
Daniel This is better than nothing, but relying on the prospect to still say the word "today" is not a very elegant solution. WooSender needs an option in campaign to just offer same-day appointments by default without having the prospect have to text a specific word. What if you ask "are you free today"? and then the prospect only texts back "yes"? Is WooSender going to offer the same day appointment then? Or does the prospect specifically have to text back the word "today"?
Jeff Hall: The AI will offer times for 'today' if the contact replies with 'yes' to that question
Jeff Hall
Daniel That's better than nothing, but can they still please work on just offering same day appointments by default without requiring specific actions from the prospect?
Jeff Hall I will pass this along to our team.
Jeff Hall
Daniel Thank you. Could we maybe take this post out of "complete" status until a solution is fully implemented?
Jeff Hall
Any updates on getting this functionality fully implemented?
Jeff Hall: We are excitied to release a nexcitedew update for same-day booking no need to have the text 'today'
learn more here
Jeff Hall
Daniel Awesome! This is good news!
We are excited to share with WooBooking 2.0 the AI can now book same day if the contact replies with wanting to book today.
Jeff Hall
Daniel Also, I would not mark this feature request as completed until its an option by default and doesn't require the prospect to say something specific.
in progress